Total Revenue Expenditure of Railway from 1955-56 to 2013-14
The Total Revenue Expenditure of Railway was Rs. 266 crores during the year 1955-56. The Total Revenue Expenditure of Railway was Rs. 372.5 crores during the year 1960-61. It increased by 106.5 crores as compared to the year 1955-56. In percentage terms, the growth rate was 40.04% during the period. The Total Revenue Expenditure of Railway was Rs. 862.2 crores during the year 1970-71. It increased by 489.7 crores as compared to the year 1960-61. In percentage terms, the growth rate was 131.46% during the period.
The Total Revenue Expenditure of Railway was Rs. 2576 crores during the year 1980-81. It increased by 1713.8 crores as compared to the year 1970-71. In percentage terms, the growth rate was 198.77% during the period. The Total Revenue Expenditure of Railway was Rs. 11337.9 crores during the year 1990-91. It increased by 8761.9 crores as compared to the year 1980-81. In percentage terms, the growth rate was 340.14% during the period.
The Total Revenue Expenditure of Railway was Rs. 34939.7 crores during the year 2000-01. It increased by 23601.8 crores as compared to the year 1990-91. In percentage terms, the growth rate was 208.17% during the period. The Total Revenue Expenditure of Railway was Rs. 46412.1 crores during the year 2005-06. It increased by 11472.4 crores as compared to the year 2000-01. In percentage terms, the growth rate was 32.83% during the period. The Total Revenue Expenditure of Railway was Rs. 90334.9 crores during the year 2010-11. It increased by 43922.8 crores as compared to the year 2005-06. In percentage terms, the growth rate was 94.64% during the period.
The Total Revenue Expenditure of Railway was Rs. 112565.2 crores during the year 2012-13. It increased by 22230.3 crores as compared to the year 2010-11. In percentage terms, the growth rate was 24.61% during the period. The Total Revenue Expenditure of Railway was Rs. 131464.8 crores during the year 2013-14. It increased by 18899.6 crores as compared to the year 2012-13. In percentage terms, the growth rate was 16.79% during the period.
Note: Data values are Rs. in crores. Source for Expenditure on Works against Development Fund: Explanatory Memorandum.
Resource Title: Railway Financial Results up to 2013-14